Tag Archives: Video

Old Disney Video – JoJo

I was again doing a little house keeping and ran across all of the Disney video from our first trip (with the Natalie) to Disney in July 2004. Here is the character signing with JoJo. Look how small Natalie is…sigh…

First Big Bike Ride!

A momentous day! Natalie rode her bike WITHOUT the training wheels. She had been playing around for a number of weeks with the trainers raised up about 3″ from the ground. She hounded me all afternoon to remove the trainers…finally I gave in. She was apprehensive at first, but as you can see in the video…she took right off!

However, she got a little full of herself and had a slight accident…just scuffs and scrapes.



Quick Draw

The family enjoyed Aidan’s (friends of the family) 4th birthday part this past weekend. This short movie shows a funny expression when he blew out the candles too early. Priceless look.